Cloud PBX
Product | Maandelijkse kosten | Eenmalige kosten | Opmerking |
Basic | €0,- | €0,- | Maximaal 5 apparaten |
Classic | €10,- | €0,- | Minimaal 10 apparaten |
Pro | €15,- | €0,- | Minimaal 10 apparaten |
----- | |||
Spraakkanalen* | €9,95 | €0,- | Incl. Onbeperkt Bellen in Nederland* |
----- | |||
Eén vast nummer (regionaal) | €0,- | €0,- | (Normaal €1,- eenmalig) |
10x Zakelijke vaste nummers | €0,- | €0,- | (Normaal €10,- eenmalig) |
Eén 085-nummer | €0,- | €0,- | (Normaal €1,- eenmalig) |
10x 085-nummers | €0,- | €0,- | (Normaal €10,- eenmalig) |
----- | |||
Overzetten bestaande nummers | €0,- | €0,- | (Normaal €1,- eenmalig per nummer) |
Prijzen zijn exclusief BTW. Prijswijzigingen en Typefouten onder voorbehoud.
Tenzij anders vermeld: Facturering per minuut en in cent per minuut. Klokken op de minuut nauwkeurig.
Fair Use Policy hanteert voor onbeperkt bellen een Fair Use Policy. Onbeperkt bellen is bedoeld voor normaal zakelijk gebruik tegen een vast tarief per maand*. Met normaal zakelijk gebruik wordt bedoeld oproepen naar vaste (regionale & 085/088-nummers) en mobiele telefoonnummers (06-nummers) binnen Nederland. Onbeperkt bellen is gebaseerd p het gemiddeld belgedrag van onze zakelijke klanten. Als Fair Use Policy hanteren we het gemiddeld belgedrag plus een ruime marge. Dit resulteert per kanaal in een Fair Use policy van 2000 belminuten voor het bellen naar vaste en mobiele nummers binnen Nederland.
Indien de Fair Use Policy wordt overschreden dan worden reguliere belkosten in rekening gebracht. Overige bestemmingen (bijvoorbeeld 0800, 0900 en buitenlands verkeer) worden achteraf in rekening gebracht. Actuele tarieven zijn te vinden op deze pagina.
Bij excessief gebruik is gerechtigd maatregelen te nemen. Voorbeelden van onrechtmatig gebruik zijn o.a. doorschakeldiensten, gebruik gericht op telefonische dienstverlening aan derden of frauduleus gebruik van de dienst zijn niet toegestaan. Deze diensten zijn gericht op het genereren van grote hoeveelheden belverkeer, niet bedoeld als normaal zakelijk gebruik.
Bij herhaaldelijk excessief is gerechtigd de dienst eenzijdig te ontbinden en met terugwerkende kracht de additioneel gemaakte gesprekskosten tegen reguliere tarieven in rekening te brengen.
*Bij de prijs zijn Overige bestemmingen (internationaal bellen, betaalde diensten, etc.) niet inbegrepen. Alle genoemde prijzen zijn exclusief BTW.
Internationale bestemmingen
Bestemming | Vast - per minuut | Mobiel - per minuut | speciale nummers - per minuut |
Afghanistan | €0.3990 | €0.3990 |
Albania | €0.3990 | €0.7990 |
Algeria | €0.2513 | €0.7990 |
Andorra | €0.0490 | €0.3990 |
Angola | €0.1421 | €0.2990 |
Anguilla | €0.1421 |
Antigua Barbuda | €0.3990 |
Argentina | €0.0244 | €0.2990 |
Armenia | €0.2990 | €0.4990 |
Aruba | €0.2513 |
Ascension | €2.9990 |
Australia | €0.0244 | €0.1421 | €0.1421 |
Australian ex-territories | €2.9990 |
Azerbaijan | €0.4990 | €0.7990 |
Bahamas | €0.4990 |
Bahrain | €0.1421 | €0.2990 |
Bangladesh | €0.0832 | €0.1421 |
Barbados | €0.1421 |
Belarus | €0.4990 | €0.4990 |
Belgium | €0.0244 | €0.1421 | €0.4990 |
Belize | €0.3990 |
Benin | €0.4990 | €0.7990 |
Bermuda | €0.0832 |
Bhutan | €0.1421 |
Bolivia | €0.2513 | €0.2513 |
Bosnia | €0.2513 | €0.4990 |
Botswana | €0.3990 | €0.4990 |
Brazil | €0.0244 | €0.1421 |
British Virgin Islands | €0.2990 |
Brunei Darussalam | €0.0832 | €0.0832 |
Bulgaria | €0.0244 | €0.1421 |
Burkina Faso | €0.4990 | €0.7990 |
Burundi | €0.7990 | €0.9990 |
Cambodia | €0.0832 | €0.1421 |
Cameroon | €0.2990 | €0.4990 | €0.4990 |
Canada | €0.0244 |
| €0.2513 |
Cape Verde | €0.3990 | €0.3990 |
Cayman Islands | €0.2513 |
Central Africa | €0.9990 | €0.9990 |
Chad | €0.7990 | €0.7990 |
Chile | €0.0832 | €0.1421 |
China | €0.0490 | €0.0490 |
Colombia | €0.0832 | €0.1421 |
Comoros | €0.7990 | €0.4990 |
Congo Dem Rep | €0.3990 | €0.3990 |
Congo Republic | €0.3990 | €0.3990 |
Cook Islands | €0.9990 |
Costa Rica | €0.0832 | €0.1421 |
Croatia | €0.0244 | €0.1421 |
Cuba | €1.4990 | €1.4990 |
Cyprus | €0.0244 | €0.1421 |
Czech Republic | €0.0244 | €0.1421 | €0.0244 |
Côte d’Ivoire | €0.4990 | €0.4990 | €0.7990 |
Denmark | €0.0244 | €0.1421 |
Diego Garcia | €2.9990 |
Djibouti | €0.4990 | €0.4990 |
Dominica | €0.1421 |
Dominican Republic | €0.0832 | €0.1421 |
East Timor | €0.7990 |
Ecuador | €0.2513 | €0.3990 |
Egypt | €0.2513 | €0.2990 |
El Salvador | €0.2990 | €0.2990 |
Equatorial Guinea | €0.7990 | €0.7990 |
Eritrea | €0.4990 | €0.4990 |
Estonia | €0.0244 | €0.1421 | €0.7990 |
Ethiopia | €0.3990 | €0.4990 |
Falkland Islands | €0.4990 |
Faroe Islands | €0.0832 |
Fiji | €0.4990 |
Finland | €0.0244 | €0.1421 |
France | €0.0244 | €0.1421 |
French Guiana | €0.0244 | €0.1421 |
French Polynesia | €0.4990 |
| €7.7183 |
GMSS iridium |
| €8.6624 |
Gabon | €0.7990 | €0.7990 |
Gambia | €0.7990 | €0.7990 |
Georgia | €0.2513 | €0.3990 |
Germany | €0.0244 | €0.1421 | €0.3990 |
Ghana | €0.4990 | €0.4990 |
Gibraltar | €0.0832 | €0.2990 |
Greece | €0.0244 | €0.1421 |
Greenland | €0.3990 | €0.3990 |
Grenada | €0.3990 | €0.3990 |
Guadeloupe | €0.0832 | €0.1421 |
Guam | €0.0490 |
Guatemala | €0.1421 | €0.2513 |
Guinea | €0.7990 | €0.7990 |
Guyana | €0.3990 | €0.3990 |
Haiti | €0.4990 | €0.4990 |
Honduras | €0.2990 | €0.2513 |
Hong Kong | €0.0244 | €0.0832 |
Hungary | €0.0244 | €0.1421 |
Iceland | €0.0244 | €0.1421 |
India | €0.0244 | €0.0244 |
Indonesia | €0.0832 | €0.1421 |
Inmarsat | €14.40551 | €14.40551 |
International freephone service |
| €0.0000 |
International networks |
| €17.6258 | €17.6258 |
International networks-Aeromobile Onair |
| €1.4990 | €1.4990 |
International networks-Deutsche Telekom |
| €0.0244 | €0.0244 |
International networks-Emnify |
| €23.8593 | €23.8593 |
International networks-FT Orange |
| €0.4990 | €0.4990 |
International networks-MCP |
| €4.4271 | €4.4271 |
International networks-MTT |
| €2.5609 | €2.5609 |
International networks-Media Lincc SAT |
| €7.7998 | €7.7998 |
International networks-Telecom 26 |
| €0.2990 | €0.2990 |
International networks-Telenor |
| €12.9516 | €12.9516 |
International networks-Transatel |
| €0.2990 | €0.2990 |
International networks-Vodafone |
| €0.7990 | €0.7990 |
Iran | €0.2513 | €0.2513 |
Iraq | €0.2990 | €0.2990 | €0.2990 |
Ireland | €0.0244 | €0.1421 | €0.1421 |
Israel | €0.0244 | €0.1421 |
Italy | €0.0244 | €0.1421 | €0.7990 |
Jamaica | €0.3990 | €0.3990 |
Japan | €0.0244 | €0.1421 |
Jordan | €0.2513 | €0.2990 |
Kazakhstan | €0.0832 | €0.2513 |
Kenya | €0.2513 | €0.2513 |
Kiribati | €1.4990 |
Korea Dem Peoples Rep | €0.9990 |
Kosovo | €0.3990 | €0.4990 |
Kuwait | €0.1421 | €0.1421 |
Kyrgyzstan | €0.2990 | €0.2990 |
Lao PDR | €0.0832 | €0.1421 |
Latvia | €0.0244 | €0.1421 | €0.1421 |
Lebanon | €0.1421 | €0.3990 |
Lesotho | €0.2513 |
Liberia | €0.7990 | €0.7990 |
Libya | €0.3990 | €0.3990 |
Liechtenstein | €0.0244 | €0.1421 |
Lithuania | €0.0244 | €0.1421 | €0.9990 |
Luxembourg | €0.0244 | €0.1421 |
Macau | €0.2513 | €0.2513 |
Macedonia | €0.3990 | €0.7990 |
Madagascar | €0.9990 | €0.9990 |
Malawi | €0.7990 | €0.7990 |
Malaysia | €0.0490 | €0.0490 |
Maldives | €1.4990 |
Mali | €0.7990 | €0.7990 |
Malta | €0.0244 | €0.1421 |
Marshall Islands | €0.1421 |
Martinique | €0.0244 | €0.1421 |
Mauritania | €0.9990 | €0.9990 |
Mauritius | €0.2513 | €0.2513 |
Mayotte | €0.0490 | €0.1421 |
Mexico | €0.0490 |
Micronesia | €0.2513 |
Moldova | €0.3990 | €0.4990 | €0.4990 |
Monaco | €0.0832 | €0.4990 |
Mongolia | €0.0832 | €0.1421 |
Montenegro | €0.2990 | €0.4990 |
Montserrat | €0.2513 |
Morocco | €0.0832 | €0.7990 |
Mozambique | €0.3990 | €0.2513 |
Myanmar | €0.3990 | €0.4990 |
Namibia | €0.2513 | €0.2513 |
Nauru | €0.7990 |
Nepal | €0.2990 | €0.2990 |
Netherlands Antilles | €0.1421 |
New Caledonia | €0.4990 | €0.4990 |
New Zealand | €0.0832 | €0.1421 |
Nicaragua | €0.2990 | €0.4990 |
Niger | €0.3990 | €0.3990 |
Nigeria | €0.2990 | €0.2513 |
Niue Islands | €2.9990 |
Northern Mariana Islands | €0.0832 |
Norway | €0.0244 | €0.1421 | €0.0244 |
Oman | €0.2513 | €0.3990 |
Pakistan | €0.1421 | €0.1421 |
Palau | €0.3990 |
Palestine | €0.2513 | €0.2513 |
Panama | €0.0832 | €0.2990 |
Papua New Guinea | €0.9990 |
Paraguay | €0.0832 | €0.1421 |
Peru | €0.0832 | €0.1421 |
Philippines | €0.2513 | €0.2990 |
Poland | €0.0244 | €0.1421 |
Portugal | €0.0244 | €0.1421 |
Puerto Rico | €0.0244 |
Qatar | €0.2513 | €0.2513 |
Romania | €0.0244 | €0.1421 |
Russia | €0.0490 | €0.2513 |
Russia-satellite-telephone-GTNT |
| €2.9990 |
Russia-satellite-telephone-Globaltel |
| €12.9655 |
Russia-satellite-telephone-Iridium |
| €12.9655 |
Rwanda | €0.4990 | €0.4990 |
Réunion | €0.0244 | €0.1421 |
Saint Kitts and Nevis | €0.2990 |
Saint Lucia | €0.2513 |
Saint Vincent Grenadines | €0.2513 |
Samoa American | €0.3990 |
Samoa Western | €1.9990 |
San Marino | €0.0244 | €0.1421 |
Sao Tome and Principe | €1.9990 |
Saudi Arabia | €0.2513 | €0.2990 |
Senegal | €0.3990 | €0.4990 | €0.4990 |
Serbia | €0.2990 | €0.4990 | €0.7990 |
Seychelles | €0.9990 |
Sierra Leone | €0.7990 | €0.4990 |
Singapore | €0.0244 | €0.0490 |
Sint Maarten | €0.2990 |
Slovakia | €0.0244 | €0.1421 |
Slovenia | €0.0244 | €0.1421 |
Solomon Islands | €1.9990 |
Somalia | €0.7990 | €0.7990 |
South Africa | €0.3990 | €0.3990 |
South Korea | €0.0244 | €0.1421 |
South Sudan | €0.9990 | €0.9990 |
Spain | €0.0244 | €0.1421 | €0.4990 |
Sri Lanka | €0.2513 | €0.2513 |
St. Helena | €2.9990 |
St. Pierre and Miquelon | €0.2990 |
Sudan | €0.2990 | €0.2990 |
Suriname | €0.2513 | €0.2990 |
Swaziland | €0.2513 | €0.2513 |
Sweden | €0.0244 | €0.1421 |
Switzerland | €0.0244 | €0.1421 |
Syria | €0.2990 | €0.2990 |
Taiwan | €0.0244 | €0.1421 |
Tajikistan | €0.2513 | €0.2513 |
Tanzania | €0.4990 | €0.4990 |
Thailand | €0.0832 | €0.1421 |
Togo | €0.4990 | €0.3990 |
Tokelau | €2.9990 |
Tonga | €0.9990 |
Trinidad and Tobago | €0.0832 | €0.2990 |
Tunisia | €0.9990 | €0.9990 |
Turkey | €0.0490 | €0.2513 |
Turkmenistan | €0.2513 | €0.2990 |
Turks and Caicos Islands | €0.2513 | €0.3990 |
Tuvalu | €2.9990 |
UAE | €0.2990 | €0.2990 |
UPT International |
| €1.4990 |
USA | €0.0244 |
Uganda | €0.3990 | €0.3990 |
Ukraine | €0.2513 | €0.2513 |
United Kingdom | €0.0244 | €0.0832 |
United Nations | €0.0244 |
Uruguay | €0.0832 | €0.2990 |
Uzbekistan | €0.1421 | €0.1421 |
Vanuatu | €0.4990 |
Vatican City | €0.1421 |
Venezuela | €0.0832 | €0.1421 |
Vietnam | €0.1421 | €0.1421 |
Virgin Islands United States | €0.0490 |
Wallis and Futuna | €0.7990 |
Yemen | €0.2990 | €0.2990 |
Zambia | €0.4990 | €0.4990 |
Zimbabwe | €0.3990 | €0.7990 |